
Cluster Diamond

Nodes: 40
Processors: 2×14 cores Intel® Xeon® Gold 5120 @2.20 GHz
Cores: 28 cores/node
RAM: 128 GB/node

Cluster Aurora

Nodes: 11
Processors: 4×24 cores Intel® Xeon® 6252N @2.30 GHz
Cores: 96 cores/node
RAM: 512 GB/node

Cluster Kalgan

Nodes: 1
Processors: 2×40 cores Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8380 @2.30 GHz
Cores: 80 cores/node
RAM: 2 TB/node

The Head node and storage of the Clusters are provided by the SNS HPCCenter (reachable only from SNS domain)